Sunday, April 20, 2008

Make Scout famous!

Yeah, I'm a proud mom. I submitted these photos of Scout to Jones Soda to try to get her on a bottle of soda. They are doing a 10,000th photo contest and Matt saw a picture of Scout (neither of these) and said it was "Jones worthy" and it reminded me of these. I submitted them a year or two ago, but didn't have them in the proper pixels (or something) to be considered, so they didn't have a chance. I got my computer savvy brother in law Nathan, to help me this time, so we are go!
I will try the goat-feeding-Scout picture next time Matt! Her hands ARE great in that picture, it always makes me smile.
I added a link on the main blog page where you can click and it will take you to the voting page, if you are so inclined, go ahead and vote! As long as you vote = 10 ha ha!

Yes, this is shameless propaganda.

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