I put her down for her nap today, and when I went upstairs about 45 minutes later I heard her gabbing away, laughing and kicking her crib bars. I wondered- has she even slept? I let her carry on for another 20 minutes and then plucked her out and let her play with her basket of toys until her appointment with one of her therapists. By the time the therapist came, I had forgotten all about the nap incident, but she did get fussy. I got her her favorite cereal to snack (Pops), and she munched on them happily through the appointment. About the last 10 minutes she would have bursts of sadness and I attributed it to just snacking when she wants something substantial like a sandwich. So when Aly left, I put her in her chair and while I made her sandwich she was still fussy, which I attributed to being impatient being in her chair with no food. I gave her her sandwich and left for a few minutes and didn't hear a peep out of her. When I popped my head in, I found out why:

Mommy guessed wrong.
I should have known, I know. But I really wasn't certain she hadn't slept, just guessed that it was a possibility she didn't.
I like how she still made an effort to eat some sandwich (and to gather as much of it as she could to hug while she slept.) When I picked her up, she didn't even open her eyes, but did manage to finish chewing up what was in there and swallow it.

That's awesome. I love that she's hugging the food.
Me too, I love the half a sandwich in the crook of her arm! Cute little thing. I also love napping children who are happy afterwards!
What a little sweetheart! I love those moments as a mom when you think you know better than your babe and you are SO WRONG! Hehe. It happens to all of us Em. No worries!
Mommies are allowed to guess wrong once in a while. Most of the time I think we guess pretty right. So cute.
Yes, so cute. I love hearing and seeing these daily episodes in the life of you, Little and Little Little. It makes my days less drab and more happy.
Beth! Man, it's been a long time! Too bad we live 5 minutes from each other.
Little Little did a lot better on the old nap today- no monkey business. Of course she did, no appointments were scheduled.
That is just the sweetest thing ever! Why is she hugging the pieces of sandwich? I love that she chewed and swallowed some while she was still sleeping. Reminds me of when we went to Vegas and ate at IHOP. She kept a little piece of pancake in her mouth for about an hour. You told me she does that, she saves some for later. hahahaha.
Wait, I think it was bacon, not pancake.
I thought of that too Sue. You are very observant Em. I know that is ironic to say, as this post is you basically saying you should have been more observant. But how many people would notice the arm full of sandwich, or the sleepy chewing and swallowing of the food? Good stuff. Loved this post.
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