Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm Happy.

I got a happy spoon today.


Pops said...

You are still a little weird, Ems.

Haley said...

I love our happy spoons!! I'm so glad you found yours and it wasn't lost in Park City. :)

B said...

What the bip is a happy spoon? Looks hard to eat soup out of.

W.V. is happeed... like happy!

Haley said...

I'm so excited we all got happy spoons and I can't wait to use it (not for soup)!

Amy said...

That last comment was from me. For some reason Haley was still logged on as a user on my computer.

Emily said...

I'm excited to use it too and very glad I didn't lose it (I couldn't find it when we got back to the car and it was later found under Scout's booster).
B- it is a slotted spoon for serving things, not eating with. But, instead of just regular dumb, boring holes, it has a happy face. Genius.

Haley said...

I was a little freaked out for a second by my ghost comment until I read my mom's! Haha.


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