I chose the littlest pic of Elinor I could find for this post,look at that 7 week old little monkey fetus!---Anyway, a nickname for Elinor popped into my head and came out my mouth the other day and heaven help me, I have a feeling it's going to stick.
Tiny E
hahahahahahahahaha! I love it! That is a nickname that will totally stick and be used by the whole family. We need a new Tiny E.
Cute! We are a family of nicknames.
I like it! Can't wait to meet her. I am flying out on the night of the 6th. Hope you will be available on the 7th? Hang in there. Hugs!
Haley, you are so wright that we are a family of nicknames. When mom and I were younger, we couldn't use a straight name for anything. We had to put our little spin on everything. Even our children. Tiny E works for me.
When you and mom were younger? Huh-hemmmmm.............
You think not just younger huh....Elmo, Ems, Fubby, Fubs, Applecheeks.... hehehehe
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